Jackie Johansen or any of our websites, social media content, coaching services, astrology readings and offerings, videos, training programs, or other informational products is for educational and entertainment purposes only. I share my best advice but all statements are opinions and I do not guarantee any results.

Additionally by proceeding with anything on this site you understand and agree with the following: Reiki is a simple, gentle, hands-on and distance energy technique that is used for stress reduction and relaxation. I do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. Reiki does not take the place of medical care. It is recommended that you see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment you may have. Reiki can complement any medical or psychological care you may be receiving. The body has the ability to heal itself and to do so, relaxation is often beneficial. Long-term imbalances in the body sometimes require multiple sessions in order to facilitate the level of relaxation needed by the body to heal itself.

Affiliate Disclaimer:

This website (jackiejohansen.com), services offered, as well as provided materials such as emails, PDF’s, videos, social media content, etc. may contain affiliate links. When you purchase through one of my links, I will get a commission for the transaction. This does not affect what you pay but rather allows me to earn a small percentage that covers costs to keep this site up and running.

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I only become an affiliate partner for products and companies I have used and stand behind.

If you have any questions, please email me at jackie@jackiejohansen.com, before proceeding with anything stated on this website or its related content.
