The Subtle Path of Becoming: Understanding Jung’s Concept of Your Unique Gradient

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Welcome! Here I share reflections and about evolutionary astrology, the psycho-spiritual journey and the creative process -- all as ways to deepen self-awareness, connect to our authenticity, and process of becoming. 

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Hi, I'm jackie

The gradient refers to the natural flow of psychic energy or libido towards our unique path of individuation. As we come closer to our gradient, synchronicities start to occur, certain ideas hold more vitality, and we experience an increased sense of meaning.

Once we become aware of the idea of the gradient, we can start to look for where it might show up in our lives. We can cultivate relationship with our unconscious that’s guiding us towards greater wholeness and on the individuation journey.

Our dreams are great ways to do this. From an evolutionary astrology perspective, we can look at our natal charts and see where our energy naturally flows. We can see transits and progressions as invitations into deeper alignment with our gradient.

The Gradient and Depth Psychology

We come into this life with strengths, gifts, a presence and purpose, a deeper soul calling that’s unfurling from within. According to depth psychology, our deeper purpose is individuation.

It’s about integrating unconscious and conscious aspects, becoming more whole, and bringing more of the fullness of ourselves forward. Our unconscious is always guiding us along this path. It holds energy, is autonomous and gives us signals on what work needs to be done internally and externally. The unconscious guides us toward our unique gradient.

Our work becomes learning how to understand the language of the unconscious, which speaks differently than the ego and our conscious self. It’s through dreams, images, fantasy, mythology, symbols, synchronicity, and archetypes that the unconscious speaks to us.

As we start to learn the language, we can’t help but come closer to the gradient that runs through our lives.

Evolutionary Astrology and the Gradient

Evolutionary astrology speaks to the journey of the soul. We can look at the chart and see the lessons we’re here to learn, the strengths and gifts we come into this life with, the challenges we are here to work through and navigate, and ultimately, the beautiful uniqueness that each of us brings to the world.

Looking at the chart can bring to consciousness our understanding of our unique gradient. Where we have certain placements (the archetypes, houses, and aspects that are lit up), we can see where our energy naturally flows.

As we go through transits and progressions, we are invited into different lessons and deeper soul growth. Our focus expands with the moving sky, bringing in more depth and vitality to where we are being guided in the nativity. Additionally, if we’ve been off track (which happens to the best of us, regularly), these transits and progressions help bring us back.

We can look at the higher ground of the root prediction of the chart and reconnect to the deeper soulful part of ourselves by using the symbols to bring it to consciousness.

Practical Ways to Explore Your Personal Gradient

  • Pay attention to what energizes you and brings you vitality. Looking at the Sun in your natal chart is helpful for this. As we tend our Sun we tend our vitality.
  • Pay attention to what brings you happiness. Look for patterns throughout your life. You can also look to your Moon for clarity. As you tend your Moon you tend your happiness.
  • Notice and follow synchronicities
  • Write down your dreams and start to look for themes and wisdom present. Where are they nudging you?
  • Interact and build relationship with inner figures (dream images or astrological archetypes are a great place to start)
  • Journal
  • Expressive art

Benefits of Aligning with Your Gradient

The process of connecting to our gradient is ongoing and part of the long-term journey – such as the process of individuation.

However, the more we pay attention and turn our curiosity towards exploring what this is for us, then take steps in alignment with those nudges, we find deeper purpose and authenticity in our lives. We find more vitality and a sense of flow.

Most importantly, we connect to a deeper connection to our soul’s journey. We build relationship with the deeper soul in a meaningful way as it becomes infused into who we are and how we’re living day to day.


Take this as your invitation to start to get curious about your gradient. As you continue to engage in soul tending, the deeper we connect to ourselves and something bigger. 

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