As we turn inward, we come into contact with the world of archetypes, and symbols, which offer insights and tools for personal and spiritual growth. Unlocking the wisdom of your birth chart from an evolutionary astrology perspective, we connect directly to this deep part of ourselves. The birth chart speaks in archetype and symbol, the language of the soul, and connects us to the evolutionary principle guiding us on our path.
You Have the Birth Chart You Do For a Reason
In evolutionary astrology, the underlying idea is that you have the chart you do for a reason– it guides you on your path. Additionally, it takes into consideration the larger soul journey that spans lifetimes. You’ve learned so much and had so much experience so far, and now you’re here for the next level of growth and evolution. Although we all have the same signs, houses, and planets in our charts, your specific configuration of these is unique to you – as well as the past life story that you bring into this lifetime.
This specific configuration of the archetypes is here as a teacher in this life. Your chart is like a radio station, you may be tuned into Pisces or Capricorn frequencies, more so than others. Your chart sings a specific song.
The Evolutionary Principle and Jung’s Concept of Self
Within this, is an underlying evolutionary force that weaves through the chart. In Jungian theory, this can be likened to Jung’s conceptualization of the capital “S” Self.
Jung saw the Self as the totality of the unconscious and conscious aspects — the core wholeness, which the rest of the psyche revolves. Jung believed that the Self had innate wisdom that nudges us on our path of individuation. It guides us towards self-realization, wholeness, and meaning, by speaking to us through symbols, synchronicities, dreams, and archetypal experiences.
We can see the evolutionary principle in our charts as the Self. By approaching astrology from this perspective, we open to the language of the psyche. We align with a unifying principle that guides us on our path.
The Wisdom of Your Birth Chart: A Tool for Psycho-Spiritual Development
The chart gives us symbolic language to work with that expedites the process of psycho-spiritual development. For example, if you have Aries prominent in your chart, you can consciously work with the archetype. What does it mean to be the warrior in your life? Where can you take the more courageous road, and what’s worth fighting for? You can also explore the high and lower octaves of Aries expression. Mediate on these for yourself and make more conscious choices in the process. The same goes for all the signs.
Another example, if you have Neptune in your house of career, legacy, or mission – what role does spiritual development play? What about imagination, creativity, compassion, and visioning? These are things to explore.
Additionally, each of the astrological archetypes has its own unconscious and conscious aspects. By using the chart as a tool, we come into a relationship with these parts of ourselves. As we explore, and circumambulate the astrological symbolism–how they manifest in our lives, and what the potentials and shadows are, we come to understand more and more who we are.
Overall, as we dive into our birth charts, we open to the language of the soul, which guides us toward more self-realization, wholeness, and meaning. Each symbol, archetype, and planetary placement within the birth chart is an opportunity for introspection and learning. In this sense, astrology is a profound transformative tool that fast-tracks our relationship with our psyche. It helps us uncover potential and make more wise, conscious choices about the challenges we face. The wisdom of your birth chart, just like Jung’s concept of Self, guides us on our individuation journey – creating more meaning and fulfillment in our lives.
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