As the popularity of astrology continues to grow online, there are more options than ever when choosing an astrologer – and it’s more important than ever to do so wisely.
The field is unregulated. For those with training, there are various traditions and ways of interpreting the chart. This diversity is a beautiful thing, but each creates different experiences and meets different needs.
Each astrologer comes with their own way of interpreting the symbols and holding space.
This guide aims to help you discern some of the most important things to look for when you choose an astrologer so you’ll more easily find a great match.

When choosing an astrologer, you want to find someone that you can connect with. Take a look at their website and their social media. Pay attention to how you feel when engaging with their content. Get a sense of their energy and how it might be to in relationship with them. Do you resonate with how they talk about the symbols and their overall approach to astrology?
It’s important to find someone whose personality aligns with yours.
Training and Background
The field of astrology lacks standardization of training or credentialing, meaning anyone can set up shop as an astrologer. When you choose an astrologer, it’s crucial to ask questions about their training and experience with the work itself, but also with the background they bring. Also, take into consideration how they continue to professionally and personally develop.
Things to look for: who are their mentors, what other job experience or education do they bring to the table that informs their work? While none of these are necessary to be a good astrologer some bring a different perspective. For example, my background working in the mental health field with at-risk youth and my master’s degree in Jungian Depth Psychology greatly impact who I am in the world, and how I conceptualize ideas and hold space.
There are plenty of reputable schools and training programs out there. For example, I was trained through Steven Forrest’s School: Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology (FCEA), which included a rigorous curriculum of readings, assignments, tests, and mentorship (including direct mentorship with Steven himself). I’m now a tutor with the school. Astrology University, Kepler College also provides strong training.
There are also so many schools of thought and traditions when it comes to astrology, explore where they come from and make sure it resonates with you.
Empowering Approach
How the astrologer conceptualizes the work is important.
Are they empowering in their approach? More predictive or deterministic? Are they holding the art with compassion and reverence?
This work deals with soul material and it’s important to find someone who honors that.
I’ve had too many people come to me with limiting beliefs, fear, or anxiety because of what a previous astrologer told them. Even a flippant broad-stroke comment can have a lasting negative impact.
The truth is, our futures are not fixed. Rather they grow and evolve along with us. There’s no such thing as an inherently negative chart or a placement that dooms us in any way. Rather, from an evolutionary perspective, it’s all about soul growth and development. All the placements represent a range of possibilities. The work I do honors your free will all while offering perspective on seasons of life, the gifts and challenges of your chart, and how to work with the symbols with curiosity and empowerment.
Creating a Safe Space
Having someone look at your chart is something that should be held sacred. The chart speaks to the person’s soul. You want someone who understands the sacredness of this. Who honors confidentiality. Look for someone who outlines what to expect during the time together. Is available to ask questions before booking. Someone who’s a strong active listener, welcomes the fullness of who you are, and can meet you where you are at. It’s so important that you feel safe and it’s so important that the astrologer consciously tends that safety.
Mindful with Language
A glib comment about someone’s personality, a placement in the chart, a season of life, can stick with someone. The astrologer must understand the power of this work and be intentional to cause no harm. The astrologer’s choice of words can shape your understanding of your chart and can have ripple effects on how you see yourself and life.
When choosing an astrologer, you want someone compassionate, who asks questions, considers language that respects your feelings, puts you as the expert of your life, encourages your inner wisdom, and is open to the range of possibilities that a chart holds.
Conclusion: Choosing an Astrologer Wisely
Overall, getting an astrology reading can be a fun, deep, clarifying, and empowering experience. Going into it, we have to be mindful of the sacredness of looking at your chart. Compatibility with your astrologer is key in terms of personality and expertise. Ensure they have a solid background and training – as well as someone who respects your journey and holds your chart with compassion and respect.
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